google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html 30 Stunning Facts about Mickey disney | Walt Disney history probably you didn't konws

30 Stunning Facts about Mickey disney | Walt Disney history probably you didn't konws

Mickey Mouse is the most loving character in the Disney studio. When we talk about cartoon then first name come in the mind that is mickey mouse. Mickey couldn't speak but create smiles on face of small kids through the storyline, comedy, expression etc. We know mickey mouse cartoon, so you noticed stunning facts of mickey mouse that make special cartoons. 

①‣  Mickey Mouse original named is  "Mouse Mortimer" These names suggests by walt Disney wife Lillian Disney. She says 'it better than Mickey' 

② The world's famous  cartoon characters Mickey Mouse created by great  cartoonist  walt disney. 

③ The ideas of mickey mouse cartoon got during the train  travelling times. They continued looks his trained mouse and their naughty. He got inspired from the rat

④Mickey was only given 4 fingers because Walt Disney wanted to save time & money. It wants save millions of dollar bacause of  the lack of an extra finger in each of Mickey’s 45,000 drawings that make up a six-and-a-half-minute film. 

⑤  Mickey's mouse is not full name of disney cartoon. Mickey middle name missing over the whole series. The Mickey  actual full name is Mickey Theodore Mouse

⑥ Mickey mouse  estimated height is 2 feet and 3 inches and their weight  height is 10.4328 kg approximately. 

⑦  As  knowns mickey mouse cartoon characters has never been spoken in the series. When first time mickey spoked word "Hot Dogs " in july 1929

⑧ It Is interesting facts about clothes of mickey mouse. Mickey wore 175 Outfits in the thousand episodes over the series and Minnie mouse wore more than mickey clothes. It total clothes is 200

⑨‣ In the mickey and Minnie characters never been married appearance in the series, But Animator claims that  characters has  married. 

⑩ The mickey Mouse voice  artist name was Wayne allwine and Mini mouse voice artists was Russi Taylor. The Facts is Both voices artist was marriage  each other  in real life during the careers in1991

Mickey mouse got Hollywood Walk of Fame

⑪ Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on November 18, 1978, in honour of his 50th anniversary

⑫ Most of people didn't knows that mickey mouse voice given by Walt Disney since early stage of the series

⑬ It is the most interesting facts about Mickey. Mickey mouse more famous than santa claus. it mean children identity easily mickey rather santa claus

⑭ Walt Disney Would been like to theme park name  Mickey Mouse village " rather than  Disneyland. It names refer the mickey Mouse memories. 

⑮ Mickey Mouse could include 10, 000 drawing for seven and half minute film. It drawing could take 6 to 12 months time to create mickey Mouse drawings. 

⑯  Walt Disney first cartoon is the rabbit not the mouse. Due to substance lost their copyright of rabbits cartoons then makes mouse. 

⑰ Mickey Mouse cartoons movies nominated for Oscar awards 10 times. But, it won Oscar awards only one time for his shiry fim lend and paws in 1942

30 Stunning facts of mickey mouse

⑱ Mickey Mouse birthday date on the 18th November. Because on thus day mickey had first appearance  in the short film “Steamboat Willie” on November 18, 1928.

⑲‣ Mickey Mouse is the 93 year old mouse from the birthday that appears in November. It is fun facts that blow minds. 

⑳ According to Disney officials states, that 98% of children aged 3–11 around the world are at least aware of the  Disney character

㉑  Mickey mouse first time  sing a song he "got a sweetie…she's my little Minnie Mouse." for Minnie mouse 

㉒ The mickey Mouse first watch  was manufactured by Ingersoll Watch Company in 1933.It price on the time  $3.75 (equivalent to $75 in 2020).

㉓ During the During World War II, the intelligence officer secret code was Mickey Mouse in 1944. 

㉔‣ Mickey's white gloves actually help distinguish his hands from the rest of his body. The first time we see him in the famous accessory is in the cartoon, "The Opry House," in 1929.

㉕ These was the wired facts that Romania authority had banned the mickey Mouse in 1935. According to him, children would be  scared  to see a ten-foot mouse in the movie theatre"

㉖ Mickey mouse cartoon & movies has been translated over the 35 language including hindi, Philippines, russian, Canadian, etc

㉗  These cartoons broadcast over the 160 country in the world.It viewership around 164 million and 100 million only in the  America 

㉘  Mickey mouse cartoon have holine free number that approved by usa government. After dialing the phone number 877-7-MICKEY (877-764-2539), users then get to select to hear a message from his or her favorite character. 

㉙ The ears of mickey mouse is the perfect circle that looks stunning and people admire their face. 

㉚ According to Disney offical, the entire earning 13 billion per day includes theme park, clubs, movies etc. 

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