google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html 20 Facts about MDH masala that will prove king of masala world

20 Facts about MDH masala that will prove king of masala world

MDH are the well-known brand of india market. We can used MDH masala to making delicious foods without harmful masala. Around 75 % of indian family has like to buy & use only mdh brand because their commercial ad relate Mdh masala means original natural masala wihnot include chemicals ingredients for colour, taste etc. 

15 Facts of MDH Masala company

‣ 1. Mahashian Di Hatti’. Brand name inspired by father shop name that had Sialkot. MDH mean Gentleman shop of Masala 

‣ 2. Most of the 85% peoples doesn't know MDH Mean Names. i‘Mahashian Di Hatti’. is the complete name of MDH private Ltd company

‣ 3.Mahashay Chunnilal Gulati had been opened their MDH company in 1919 in Sialkot, British India that exist on the punjab Pakistan

‣ 4.MDH has been completing 102 year to continue business of masala industry with profit under the Gulati family 

‣ 5. MDH Dharam Pal ji was the highest paid Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Ceo in India in 2017

‣ 6.According to India time interview of Mahashay Chunnilal Gulati said that My 90% salary goes to charity trust for education, infrastructure development, social work etc

‣ 7.MDH acquire 12 % market share of india with quality and affordable price for all with average revenues 924 crore in 2016

‣ 9.Dharm pal ji, took over 21 crore salary in the fiscal year 2017.It is highest salary package as comparison of other companies.

‣ 10. Dharma pal was received Highest civilian award Padma Bhushan conferring by 14th president Ram nath govind for the trade & industry 

‣11.Dharam Pal was the deligent person always deligation for his work and care to his employees by experience at age of 94. who is also called Dadaji or Mahashayji, 

‣ 12. Mahashayji whose presence in tv commercials sporting a flowing white moustache and sporting crimson turban became an iconic photograph on Indian tv.

‣ 13. MDH now has been manufacturing 60 products which includes small and large pack - 10g &100 grams. 

‣ 14. MDH factory manufactured 30 toones species in a day working hour which mean 1250 kg spices makes in 1 minutes in the mdh factory

‣ 15. Dharma pal, set up more than 1000 factories over the india since 1919 to 2021. It started from delhi state near the railway station 

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