google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html 15 Exciting facts  about Jeff Bezos space trip | Blue Origin | Amazon Owner

15 Exciting facts  about Jeff Bezos space trip | Blue Origin | Amazon Owner

Blue origin successfully finished New Shepard’s first human flight today with 4 private citizens onboard. The team included Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk and Oliver Daemen, who all officially became astronauts when they surpassed the kármán Line, the the world over recognized boundary of space

 ① Jeff the CEO and founding father of Amazon, is the second one richest individual on this planet these days with a internet worth of $182.2 billion

② Jeff Bezos has an inherent ability for area travel. He has invested a large part of his wealth in growing space crafts in 2001. He owns the Blue origin, the aerospace organization that manufactures business rockets

③ Blue Origin spacecraft has been  design a big screen window for stunning views of space from the Flight 

④ Spaceflight launched by  new shepard  rocket at   desert near Van Horn, Texas, United States of America.

⑤ Blue Origin spacecraft name is  New Shepard Which was named  inspired  in honour of NASA astronaut Alan Shepard.

⑥ Jeff and his brothers mark bezos including six members are trained for space traveling missions which two people also  has part of mercury 7 and Mercury 11.


⑧ Jeff Bezos company blue origin choiced 20th July for the  private space mission Because on this day Appollo 11 launched to going for space missions on the moon. Neil Armstrong Successful completed by reached first person on the moon. 

⑨ The blue origin spacecraft has completed their mission in 10 minutes 10  seconds by going to space travel then returned to home earth with safety. 

⑩ The crew capsule reached a maximum altitude of 351,210 feet (or 107 kilometers), with the rocket reaching a top velocity of 2,233 mph all through the launch.

⑪ The trip has made Wally Funk, eighty two, the oldest man or woman to fly in area, beating the record of seventy seven-year-old Sen John Glenn who held the record from his 1998 trip

⑫ Oliver Daemen become youngest spacecraft traveller into the space at the age of 18 yrs. Recent olive completed their graduation from Dutch high school. 

⑬ Oliver Daemen breaks the record of  Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Stepanovich as the Youngest space traveller. Who has goes to space through Russia agency of their before a month of 26th birthday  in 1961. 

⑭ Jeff Bezos said his space company Blue Origin is approaching $100 million in private sales.

⑮ Daeman took the space of the still-anonymous $28 million winning bidder of the auction, who noted “scheduling conflicts” for postponing their flight

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