google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html What are the different types of Artifical intelligence | In the Easy ways

What are the different types of Artifical intelligence | In the Easy ways

In the simple word, we explain the artifical intelligence and their types. So understand easily without any problem 

Artifical intelligence is simulation of human intelligence. It is the brain of the technology gadgets & Machines. These artificial intelligence made by human as like human brains mean that think understand, accept command & mimic like human. They works on the basis of  command or order by human, to complete assign works rapidly within minutes..

The artificial Intelligence are classified into 2 types aspect of Intelligence.In Every intelligence type has been criteria of works & function. 

In the type - 1 classified on  the basis of capability of artifical intelligence 

‣ Narrow intelligence 

‣ General intelligence 

‣ super intelligence

On the other, types - 2 are classified on the basis of function

‣ Reactive Machines

‣ Limited Memory

‣ Theory mind

‣ Self Awarness

So, we study the type 1 of artifical intelligence Programme. 

‣ AI types - 1 Based on Capabilities

Artifical intelligence based robots

1. Narrow  artifical Intelligence

☞ Narrow Intelligence able to perform only assign task or command by Human. They does work by their own intelligence without task. 

☞ It can't be work behind the limits. Itis design for the only specific purpose. Due to the reason narrow intelligence are weak  artifical intelligence. 

☞ These most common artifical intelligence widely used all over the world. Google assistant is the best example of narrow artificial intelligence. In include Drones, robots, google maps, e-commerce, voice recognition  Google translation. etc. 

2. General  Artifical Intelligence ( AGI) 

  Deep AI/ Strong AI

☞ General  artifical intelligence is the type of intelligence that perform work like human. Mean this intelligence apply own rule to find solution just like human. The have potential to perform any intellectual task at or above a human ability level. 

☞ General AI, also known  as strong intelligence. Because that intelligence understand and learn any intellectual task as like human.  It allows a machine to apply knowledge and skills in different contexts

 ☞ One of the best example :Fujitsu-built K, built one of the fastest supercomputers. . It took nearly 40 minutes to simulate a single second of neural activity.It is difficult to achieve strong AI  in shortly 

3. Super Artifical Intelligence

☞ Super artifical intelligence is the type of intelligence that able to perform assign works better  than a Human 

☞  It mean have capability to solve puzzle,own thinking, emotion, desire, 
Making decisions by own. All of these characteristics of the super AI. Its technology exitence is still I hypothetical. 

☞  It is the imaginary concept of super AI. The researchers under studues to develop strong AI. They perform effectively as our needs

‣ Artifical intelligence Type - 2

( Based on functions )

1.Reactive Machines

☞ These types of intelligence is the primary types of artifical intelligence. It is the basic intelligence in  the  technology machines. 

☞ In the types intelligence does not store past data & memories its works current action periods. Mean these AI works on basis of present action. 

☞ Reactive machines are provided with specific tasks, and they don't have capabilities beyond those tasks.

2. Limited Memory

☞ limited memory AI is the quick response intelligence. These artificial intelligence has  store past data or memories for short period

☞ To use the past data to perform present action

☞ This kind of technology used in airpilot mode in aeroplane. On the observation of past experience
 artificial intelligence can handle plane to follow signal avoid misplace or accidents. 

☞ Limited memory artifical intelligence is also used in self driving car. In the intelligence collect the past data like speed, change lene, signal stops, destiny etc after the observation perform fully safe self driving. 

3.Theory mind

☞ Theory mind  AI is the future of digital world. Mean that Artifical intelligence is the advance class of technology. 

☞ The artificial intelligence should  require to uderstand human emotion, feeling, people, beliefs, value of morals etc. 

☞ This is the dynamic futurse. concept of types of intelligence. It doesn't exists inthe present day. The researchers also focus on to develop and improve  such kind of artificial intelligence. 

☞ These intelligence change the scenario of technology of entire world 

Super Human artificial intelligence

4.Self Awarness

☞ Self awareness AI is able to understand  and give birth  emotiom in those intereact with it have own feeling, emotion, beliefs affection. 

☞These Artifical intelligence would be much smarter than human mind. Where human give up to find solution researches, there used this artificial intelligence. 

☞ Self - Awareness AI  is  the visinorary & ideal Concept. It is still doesn't existed in the reality

☞ On the concept of self awareness  AI made many movie keeping in the mind of theory. Movies like Martix, Terminator,  Robot. etc. 

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