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15 + Unique things about Pens - Definitely you didn't knows it

Pen are the changes the human life. After the discovery of pens human fascinate to write valuable e knowledge on the sheet for future. We use them everyday while writing something  in the office, at school, parks, everywhere. But are you knows something about pens. Lots of information facts here be learn frome this content 

15 + Unique things about pen - Definitely you didn't knows it

‣ 1. The words pen come from the latin word pinna which mean feather. A reference of feather that used to make quill pen

‣ 2. When person bought a new pens. The first word they write is their name. These things are common more than 95% while new pen used

‣ 3. Most of the 85% people feel incomplete of pen while loosing their pen cap. They doesn't writes anything without pen cap. He suppose without pen cap their writings not so goods. 

‣ 4. According to certain reports,the average ballpoint pen write approx 45000- 50000 words unless ink empty. 

‣ 5.  There are 5 main kinds of pens used worldwide: ballpoint, fountain, soft-tip. rolling-ball and specialty pens.

‣ 6.  Ballpoint pen have quick drying ink making them perfect for left handed writers 

‣ 7. The nib of golden fountain can be adjusted  to your writing style. As the pen used, the nib fiexes softer 

‣ 8.  If you noticed on the cap of pen has holes. These holes given only for certain situations like pen cap stuck on the human mouth uless people can take  oxygen during the time doctors remove pen cap. 

‣ 9.  The first Pens design & used  by Egyptian on 3000 Bc . That pen named was Reed pen it made of bambo stick. People has make  sharp the edge of bamboo sticks and used ink for writing. 

‣ 10. On the 1943, fitst Ballpoint pen presented by  Hungarian journalists László Bíró, brother.This was the  perfect flow of ink into the pens. These pens, known as biromes were a huge commercial success

‣ 11. In 1945, biromes ballpoint pens patent bought by Marcel Bich. They started manufacturing the ball point pen in his company. It's  company sold over 100 billion ballpoint pens worldwide.. 

‣ 12.  Pen caps cause over 100 death in a year by people playing with the cap in their mouth and swallowing it

‣ 13..An average ball point pens can draw 2 to 3.5 km approx long line. It is estimated value of experiment.

‣ 14 . In india, Acharya Makunuri Srinivasa  made world biggest fuctioning ballpoint pen. Its measures was 5.5 m (18 ft 0.53 in) long and weighs 37.23 kg (82.08 lb 1.24. That largest ballpoint pens has been recorded in the Guinness Book of world record in 2016 

‣ 15. you are shocked after heard the World most expensive Pen name is Fulgor Nocturnus made by Tibadli in the italy.These coated  and crafted by rare black  diamonds. The costs of this pens are £5.9 million. If convert  into indian rupees 42 crore. 

‣ 16 . I think you should knows other costly pens after world most expensive pens. That name are includes :

☞  Montblanc Boheme Royal Pen - £1.1 million (11 crore INR) 

☞ Diamante by Aurora — £944,000 (9 Lakh INR approx. ) 

☞ Heaven Gold Pen by AnitaTan- £734,188 (7 Lakh INR) 

☞ Caran d’Ache Gothica Pen - £299,756 (2 Lakh INR ) 

Pens are important parts of our life. They helpful to remembering important events, date, special days, that wrote by the help of pen. Todays world technology dedicated but pens are always unique memories & story in the mind of human. Because we spend more time withs pen while writing or playing time in the school colleges. I think lots people do that things in a life. 

So if you have any kind unique facts related pens and other thing. You can share through the comments box. On the next article i will definitely include your facts... 

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