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25 Psychology Facts about Dream - Everyone needs to known it

Psychology Facts

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists are actively involved in studying and understanding mental processes, brain functions, and behavior New Method of Physick, in which it is stated that “Psychologie is the knowledg of the Soul.”

‣  1. When you think about someone a lot. It mean they are  thinking  about you  first. That is perfect interection of friendship

‣ 2. If you never sleep at night, according to some elements, you are awake in someone's dream.  That you are playing a character in someone's dream.  That's  you stay awake even in real life

‣ 3. When  someone misses you  there is 85% possibilities they appear in your dreams. 

‣ 4.Most  Unbelievable mind facts is that inability  to fall  a sleep at nights means, you are wake in someone  else's dream

‣ 5. When you  fly in a dream it mean you have desire to break daily normal routine rule work and design & creativity express to world.That you would want better things of your daily works

‣ 6.Today's world common facts has when people they loose their phones large time, experience like panic attack at near death experience. The reaction of same at time of loose phones and near death time.

‣ 7. When you sleep in the night, there conscious mind sleep  but  subconscious mind awake after sleeped. The subconscious mind process their dream in the form of image through referance of pain, emotion love, problems. etc

‣ 8.You must have once noticed that you can never read any letter or word in your dream, nor can you even understand the time of any clock that you see in your dream

‣  9.According researches there was differance in the dreams of men & women. In men dreams, there is agitation and physical activity . The several  studies have documented that men dreams  about things like  weapon, powers, and more things are seen in it like power, etc. 

‣ 10.whereas in the  women's dreams, love, emotion, respect  courage seened. Mostly  Dreams related clothes, jewelry, fashion, etc.

‣ 11.Most of the dreams negative more than 50 % rather than positive dreams. Negative dreams tend to involve  emotion such as anger fear insecurity and sadness. 

‣ 12. A false awakening is a vivid and convincing dream about awakening from sleep, while the dreamer in reality continues to sleep. After a false awakening, subjects often dream they are performing daily morning routine such as showering, cooking, cleaning, eating, and using the bathrom

‣ 13. Mean a person jump to one dreams to another dream. There is multiple part of dreams at same time

‣ 14. lucid dreams  is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment

‣ 15. In dream you can select your destiny, character, environment. Everything are under controlled in your hand. That called controllable dream

‣ 17. According to researches, If any one wants to forget bad habits then continue 14 days far from bad habbit. It helps to on  every  habbits

‣ 18. You can't read in dream because reading and dreaming is two different functions that process on mind.In sleeping mode only sub conscious mind operating dreams which hasn't read it

‣ 19. In men dream have tend more than  60% of person men. On the other hand, In the women's dreams have equal character of men and women. 

‣ 20. Negative energy is more common on several persons sleeping dreams rathean postive dream's. It mean Dreams tends to more negative. 

‣ 21. You can saw 6 to 7 Dreams during the sleeping in nights. But it couldn't be happening with normal person. There chances only 5 % to see several dreams in 2 to 3 hours

‣ 22.  According to studies, several animals have experienced dreams like human. He reacact accordingly to dreams. Like they are running, walking, eating food  etc. 

‣ 23. Length of dreams might be 20 to 30 minutes in the duration of nights. In  the days it be time reduce 20 to 15 minutes because have lots noise heard during sleep we can't focous on dreams 

‣ 24.You had experienced in dreams there's you can't do anything because you're body is fully paralysed at that times and experience like fracture in bones, hand, not able to walk etc. All of these factors show a REM sleep disorder in human. This psychological proven

‣ 25.The dream-catcher is one of the maximum  called as  native American symbols. it's far a loose net or webs woven round a hoop and decorated with sacred items supposed to defend towards nightmares

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