google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html Most Amazing Fact about "Auroville" future city of India

Most Amazing Fact about "Auroville" future city of India

Most of the people imagined future cities in the dream. In the city, have  green  climate, free from harmful pollutant, have humanity, awareness about nature, no discrimination on basic caste,religion, gender, skin colours, or country etc. You will surprise after heared the name of dream city auroville exited in the world.

The amazing facts  about Auroville city

‣ In the year 1968,Mirra alfassa was founded the Auroville city ( means " DAWN OF CITY" )

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‣ The name Auroville deprived from french word"Auro means Dawn" and ville means "city". 

‣ The city was established by  Mirra Alfassa. due to respect mirra Alfassa  known as “The Mother” was the spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo

‣ The Auroville city designed by french architect roger ager

‣ Mirra alfassa was  French spiritual guru. She had started the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and established Auroville as a universal town

‣ The inauguration of Auroville city function attended by 124 nation deligates was  held in 28 February 1968.

‣ Avroville city is situated in the Viluppuram district of tamil nadu states of india. Some part of auroville  in  the union territory of pondicherry 

 ‣ Avroville society is covered by 20 kilometer of barren wasteland and 5 kilometers of north pondicherry also covered 5km arean from the coast was  selected for avroville city

‣ Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities.The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.

‣ Auroville is an international township and a project important for international unity flourishing with its culture and art.

 ‣ In the Auroville, there is no concept of caste, creeds, color, religion, etc. They had believed only one thing that is humanity and the other thing are trust maintained by them

‣ In the Auroville city, 58 countries visitor visit and become part of experimental society. They include Britain, Norway, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Russia, japan, Germany, England, french, etc

‣ According to data of 2021,there are 3000 residents people live in avroville from the 58 Countries and different communities. 

‣ One thing unique, that city represents  brothershood loves  and cooperation among the community from different countries & peoples

‣ Education system of Auroville is very initiative. Schooling is free with students having the flexibility to study subjects at their own pace.

‣ Electricity& water supply  is almost free for Auroville people& visitors. Because electricity produced  helps by solar energy on the view of future. 

‣ In facts, there is no government intervention in the Auroville. Because Auroville is universal city for all people in the world

‣ In the city, no political intervention and doesn't held any type of election & rallies. Because its city free from political related things. 

 ‣ Most surprise thing haven't general accepted any currency of country in the city. It means currency doesn't have generally acceptability 

Digital currency

‣ It is cashless society, there all transactions done through only debit card. A visitor open their account in Auroville city, they connect there account to central account of visitors. It mean transactions done faster & secure

‣ In the Auroville, people community does all work on the basis of capability and earn equal salary of all people of Auroville. It mean there is no difference of salary are all same positions

‣ Due to salary saving they contributed small amounts for development of Auroville society city

‣ You will surprise after knowing the crime rate of Auroville. The avroville crime rate is zero (0%)percent.It mean there  is no criminal activity 

Matrimandir located on the centre of Auroville of city. Matrimandir is a temple there is no idol of any gods. It is silence zone and chember mediation

‣ Avroville is more famous for Botanical garden. In the garden, planted trees & plants more 2000 on the land of 50 acres. It is core nature peace silence. They feel relax and refresh their mind from the anxieties, tension  etc..

Savitri Bhavan (image source :Auroville.Org )

‣ Many enjoyable and public attractions places are available in the  avroville like Beaches, bodhi Beach, Marc's Cafe,Quick healing centre, savitri bhavan etc. 

‣ The Multimedia Centre (MMC) of Auroville, also known as Cinema Paradiso, is a 120 seat theatre in Auroville

‣ In the Auroville, also available adivasi theatre  to represent his  adivasi art and culture by the act of drama & through dance.

‣ The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) has endorsed  avorille in 1966, 1968,1970, 1983, 2007 to protect edvity. 

You should explore 6 Amazing place of Auroville

Auroville is a unique experimental community located in Tamil Nadu, India, that offers a wide range of interesting activities and experiences for visitors. Here are some things you should consider exploring in Auroville:

1.Matrimandir: The Matrimandir is the spiritual center of Auroville, and it's one of the most iconic and recognizable structures in the community. Visitors can take a tour of the Matrimandir and explore the beautiful gardens surrounding it.

2.Sustainable Living: Auroville is a hub for sustainable living and eco-friendly practices. Visitors can learn about eco-friendly farming, natural building techniques, and sustainable living practices by visiting the various sustainable living centers and farms in Auroville.

3.Art and Culture: Auroville is home to many artists and musicians, and there are several galleries and exhibitions that showcase their work. Visitors can also attend various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Auroville Film Festival, the Auroville Arts Service, and more.

4.Workshops and Retreats: Auroville offers a variety of workshops and retreats on topics such as yoga, meditation, healing, and personal growth. Visitors can attend these workshops and retreats to deepen their understanding of these practices and connect with like-minded people.

5. Beaches: Auroville is located near several beautiful beaches, including Serenity Beach and Auroville Beach. Visitors can spend time relaxing on the beach, swimming, and enjoying water sports.

6. Cuisine: Auroville is home to several organic and sustainable cafes and restaurants that offer delicious and healthy food. Visitors can enjoy a range of international and local cuisines and try new flavors.

Overall, Auroville is a great place to explore for those who are interested in sustainability, spirituality, and cultural diversity. Visitors can connect with the community, learn new things, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them

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