google-site-verification: google8fd32e8322d7e5c9.html Lawyer and advocate Proffession work is a same or different .

Lawyer and advocate Proffession work is a same or different .


Who is lawyer means? 

A lawyer  is someone who practices law. A lawyer has earned a degree in law, and has a license to practice law in a particular area. If people have any problem regarding the law, they can contact a lawyer for advice
The educational prerequisites for becoming a lawyer vary greatly from country to country. In some countries, law is taught by a faculty of law, which is a department of a university's general undergraduate college.Law students in those countries pursue a Master or Bachelor of Laws degree. In some countries it is common or even required for students to earn another bachelor's degree at the same time. It is often followed by a series of advanced examinations, apprenticeships, and additional coursework at special government institutes.  A person become lawyer who completed the  Bachelor of Lagislatures Law(LLB). They has right to give legal advise to his client s. 

Works of lawyer 

Lawyer, one trained and licensed to prepare, manage, and either prosecute or defend a court action as an agent for another and who also gives advice on legal matters that may or may not require court action
Lawyers apply the law to specific cases. They investigate the facts and the evidence by conferring with their clients and reviewing documents, and they prepare and file the pleadings in court. At the trial, they introduce evidence, interrogate witnesses, and argue questions of law and fact. If they do not win the case, they may seek a new trial or relief in an appellate court.
the case goes to court, the lawyer will represent their client in court. The lawyer will use their knowledge of the law to convince the court that the client is on the right side of the argument. Lawyers also help people "settle out of court," which means that both sides of the argument agree to resolve the dispute ahead of time so that they will not have to go to trial.

Who is adovcate means? 

The words Adovacate  deprived from latin word advocare which means 'add' a" voice". To advocate is to add a voice of support to a cause or person. an advocate is a person who represents another person's interests, like a lawyer does. 

Education of adovcate.

In India, the law relating to the Advocates is the Advocates Act, 1961 introduced administered and enforced by the Bar Council of India. Under the Act, the Bar Council of India is the supreme regulatory body to regulate the legal profession in India and also to ensure the compliance of the laws and maintenance of professional standards by the legal profession in the country
A person who cleared the Bar council  of india examination. They has become advocate . He has the rights to fight case in the court. They reoresent to their client. 
After completing the examination bar council of india. They obtained certificates of the bar council  of india. After getting certificates he became a legal professional adovcate. He fights case in the court room for his client. He has the rights to present as representative of client. To solve the case and provides justice to his clients. 

In short term. 

A lawyer has the authority to give legal advice and prepare file of legal procedures. To investigate the evidence facts and give legal instructions and opinions to his client. A person completed LLB they become lawyer. 
He hasn't authority as representative of his client. They cannot fights case in the courtroom. 

But,In this case of adovcate has the rights to become representative of his client. They fight the cases  in the courtroom. Because he is adocate of the court not the lawyer. It mean adocate is one step ahead of lawyer. 

Lawyer and advocate is different from each other. They have limited criteria to  regulate their profession work. 
That is interesting fact related lawyer's and advocate. 

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