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Which nasa spacecraft Vayoger 1 has been travelling from last 43 years

First Spacecraft  Vayoger 1 enter into the interstellar medium successfully 

In the modern time, Technology has well developed as compare to last decade. Human has developed advanced technology machinism by research and invovation

Image credit :-Nasa
Model of vayoger 1
Image credit: NASA 

Today blog, I  write the story of Vayoger 1.
These programme has commenced by nasa organisation. Nasa had launced Vayoger programme in the year 1977. In the vayoger programme first spacecraft named was Vayoger1 launched with the help of Titan IIIE  on August 20,1977 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Voyager 1 was launched 16 days after its twin, Voyager 2. We will look about Yayoger 2 rocket spacecraft later, today we are going to talk about the achievement of Vayoger1 and its mission.

The main objective to launching the wiser one the main objective of wiser one is to research and explore the hidden mysteries of space and click the pictures of planet that flight closest and pictures of valcanos of jupiter, solar suystem, heliopause and moons of saturn. 

Golden record 

Vayoger One also took a time capsule along with it. It was a golden record plate.  The message is carried by a phonograph record  12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on  earth. . At the glance of achievement of Vayoger 1. 
It has completed 43 years, 6 months, 4 days elapsed and Planetary mission: 3 years, 3 months, 9 days. In the current times. Voyager 1 has worked at Interstellar mission: 40 years, 2 months, 24 days elapsed. Voyager 1 had made of one unique record

Achievement of Vayoger 1

Voyager 1 has completed all missions that assigned by NASA organization. Voyager 1 has first man made object enter into the interstellar space. And alsoVoyager 1 discovered a thin ring around Jupiter and two new Jovian moons: Thebe and Metis.
At Saturn, Voyager 1 found five new moons and a new ring called the G-ring. Click the closet images of saturn, jupiter, valcanoes of jupiter, sun of jupiter. Uranus finest pictures and neptune closet images. 

 According to NASA report Vayoger  update.
In March 2013, it was announced that Voyager 1 might have become the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space, having detected a marked change in the plasma environment.It was historical moments in the space history. Now you must be thinking that what is interstellar, then let us remove this problem from you and tell you what is interstellar and why are the craze to know about.?
At glance, the answer seems simple. ‘Inter’ means between. ‘Stellar’ refers to stars. “Easy!” you think, “Interstellar space is the part of space that exists between stars. 

 If you want to know about interstellar concept. Then I suggest you can watch SCI-fic movies like intersteller. Where is detailed concept of intersteller time theory. That movie concept also available in youtube you can watched it for better understanding

Do you know that the voyager has intercepted inside the interstellar, then the question that arises in your mind would be how much the distance of V1 will be from the earth.If you know that the Voyager 1 has entered inside the interstellar, then you must have raised the question in your mind

These image shown rotation of vayoger 1

What will be the distance of Vayoger 1 from the earth and its speed? 

Voyager 1 is traveling faster, at a speed of about 17 kilometers per second (38,000 mph), compared to Voyager 2's velocity of 15 kilometers per second (35,000 mph). If we talk about the distance between the Voyager 1 and the earth, it is 22. 8 billion kilometers. Which is record  in itself. At the current time, scientists continue to transmittion and communicate 
 The spacecraft still communicates with the Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and to transmit data to Earth.

Due to the achievement of voyager 1. NASA scientists has extended their mission until 2025. Because after this most instrument had not worked properly and not provide accurate data to earth. Some year works properly There good things to explore another time mysteries in the space dimensions.Which helps to  solve time mysteries 

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